Friday, October 18, 2024
HomeGeneral TourismHospitality NZ welcome targeted support, cautions against unnecessary structural change

Hospitality NZ welcome targeted support, cautions against unnecessary structural change

Targeted Government support for the hardest-hit tourism and hospitality regions is a most welcome move that is not before time, as are moves to look at the future structure of the industry, says Hospitality NZ.

“The targeted support is wonderful news for Queenstown-Lakes, South Westland, Fiordland, the Mackenzie District, and Kaikoura, because they are hurting tremendously from the tourist downturn,” says chief executive Julie White.

“Stress and fatigue in the sector is becoming an epidemic, and we’ve been asking for something like this for some time. It will go some way to alleviating that.

“We also welcome the move to look at the future of the industry post-COVID but we caution about in some instances not to make change for change sake.

“There’s a lot of good stuff that’s happening that will continue to work.

“We must be careful not throw the baby out with the bath water, because not everything is broken. Much of it just needs a tweak. We must rebuild on what’s already good in the industry

“We need to keep the bits that are working, because they are what New Zealand is renowned for.

“Hospitality has been warming welcoming strangers for years and there is no need to change much of that.

“Hospitality NZ is ready, willing, and able be at the forefront of any change that’s needed and to work with the sector and the Government.

“In particular, we see great opportunities around re-setting training, but this must be by industry, for industry. We will welcome Government input but this must be industry-led.”

Julie White says it’s vital a trans-Tasman bubble is the next move.

“This is now urgent. The targeted support is great, but we can’t expect that forever. We need tourists to back it up.

“The Australians want to make it happen, and we need to as well.

“Time is ticking. They will wait for us for only so long before they open up other routes like Singapore and elsewhere, and we don’t want to be the bridesmaid when they do that. We need to be part of any larger bubble they open.

“With a current lack of community cases in both countries – nearly 60 days in New South Wales, Queensland, and Tasmania – there’s no reason a bubble with Australia can’t happen now.

“It’s a matter of survival for thousands of businesses.”

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