Over a whirlwind few days (August 8-10) TECNZ 2023 wrapped up Thursday, August 10, in Rotorua with the networking dress up theme, “Back to The Future” function held at Te Puia.

“Rethinking the Future” was the overall theme of TECNZ this year. The sold out TECNZ Trade Event started on Tuesday (August 8) at Distinction Hotel, and Conference Rotorua with attendance of 38 Inbound Tourism Operators. (ITOs) day two of the conference opened on Wednesday (August 9) with a welcome by local iwi, Ngāti Whakaue and Rotorua mayor, Tania Tapsell.

Tourism Minister Peeni Henare spoke briefly how “tourism has always been strong” and this is the “opportunity to foster and nurture tourism locally”

TECNZ chief executive Lynda Keene spoke of the event’s theme that “indicates the international tourism sector has moved from survival mode to one that can now proactively focus on planning and look at trends that may influence future decisions throughout a business’s operation”.

Other speakers delegates heard from included TECNZ chair, Scott Mehrtens who spoke about “tourism as a major driver of economic growth and development” and how the tourism industry is still an “incredibly resilient industry” in the face of past challenges.  

“Destinations that are committed to promoting social responsibility and in a more regenerative way” is where Scott says New Zealand’s industry can lead the way in addressing some of these changes in climate change.

Other key speakers of the day included ceo Tourism NZ René De Monchy, Cameron Bagrie, managing director Bagrie Economics, followed by ex comedian, author and ceo of NZ Story, David Downs and former All Black, Ian Jones who spoke of the All Blacks Experience and opening new visitor attraction.

Hayden Marriner, brand and marketing manager of RotoruaNZ, closed day one of the conference with a colourful wrap up of the history of Rotorua’s tourism industry, that started more than 200 years ago as a “special town district” to promote Rotorua’s spa, one of the many attractions that brings visitors to this day.

Thursday (August 10) the last day of the TECNZ conference opened with TECNZ members ITOs and YoungTEC member forums, followed by a panel discussion Q & A providing  an update of trends from market source markets for North America, lead by Martin Horgan of Southern World, UK and Europe by Matt Brady of Pan Pacific Travel, India and South East Asia by Anna Black of General Travel and China by Lisa Li of Travel Service.

More sustainable experiences, high expectations of international visitors and safety concerns for international requirements were some of the key topics addressed.  

Delegate workshops kicked off in the afternoon of Cyber Security, Health & Safety Planning  and a trip to Wai Ariki Spa (NZ’s newest visitor experience) followed by the YoungTEC panel Q & A talking about the future of Artificial Intelligence in tourism marketing, Driving sustainable tourism growth through innovation and collaboration and current challenges perceived by younger people in tourism.  

To wrap up the conference, speakers, Malcolm Johns, CEO of Genesis Energy, spoke of climate change and the potential impact of tourism, and mental health advocate, TV personality, Mike King gave a powerful yet hilarious speech regarding our own mental health awareness.