Wellington Aero Club is proud to announce they are a certified Zero Carbon Business Operation with the help of climate management company Ekos.

The Club has measured and offset the carbon footprint of their business operations for the 2023/2024 financial year with certified carbon credits. This footprint includes all their business activities including all flying done by staff and club members, which is 74 per cent of their carbon footprint.

“We are incredibly proud to take this step towards reducing our environmental impact,” says Wellington Aero Club president Andrew Sims.

“While we acknowledge this is not a fix, we know that offsetting our carbon footprint will help while we wait for more viable technologies in either battery powered aircraft or sustainable fuel for light aircraft to become available.”

These certified carbon credits are sourced from projects that grow and protect forests in Aotearoa and the Pacific Islands and help to deliver climate resilience, waterways protection, erosion control, biodiversity conservation and community economic development.

“It costs our members the equivalent of a flat white per hour of flying on top of their usual flying rate, so it’s not much of a sacrifice,” says Andrew. “We hope this shows other aviation businesses that it can be done and we can all do our part.”

“This is a great move by the club and shows the wider aviation sector is working hard to reduce their impact on the environment,” says Wellington International Airport CEO Matt Clarke.

“Electric and low emission aircraft are in development and coming soon, and Wellington Airport is perfectly placed to be a hub for these short-range machines. But in the meantime, this highlights what can be done to minimise net emissions as much as possible.

“It’s an excellent show of leadership by the Wellington Aero Club and another good reason to learn to fly at Wellington Airport!”

Wellington Airport is aiming to achieve net zero emissions for its own emissions by 2030.