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HomeData and reportsSignificant support increase for New Zealand tourism

Significant support increase for New Zealand tourism

Angus & Associates’ latest findings from their Views on Tourism research, reveal a significant increase in support for international visitors in New Zealand.

The final report for 2022 shows support for international tourism in New Zealand at its highest level since the survey began. And for the first time, the level of support is equal to that seen in Australia.

A key metric from Views on Tourism is the Tourism Approval Rating, which considers both the positive and negative impacts of tourism on local communities, to give an overall score.

The International Tourism Approval Rating in New Zealand had shown a steady decline from a net positive 42 in 2018, to a net positive 28 in 2021. But in 2022 this bounced up to a rating of 44.

Australia is virtually identical, with a rating of 45. However, pre-COVID Australians had been more positive than Kiwis about international visitors, with a 59 rating in 2018.

Angus & Associates managing director Chris Roberts says the research indicates that support in New Zealand for international tourism is driven by two factors – communities experiencing the positive impacts from the return of visitors, and avoiding some of the pain points that were becoming evident pre-COVID.

“Positive sentiment is most strongly influenced by Kiwis observing more local businesses opening or being able to stay open. Improved services for the community and has encouraged more sustainable behaviour in the community as a result of local tourism activity. Conversely, negative sentiment towards tourism is most strongly influenced by “a reduced sense of belonging in my/our community” and “too much pressure on community infrastructure (e.g., roads, wastewater, toilet facilities)”.

He says the closing of borders due to the pandemic has clearly had an impact on attitudes.

“It seems that Kiwis are now more aware of the benefits that tourism activity in their community can deliver, because they have also seen what is lost when there are no international visitors.”

The proportion of New Zealand residents aged 18 and over who have personally experienced any adverse local impacts of tourism has also fallen from 73% in 2019 (pre-Covid) to 64% in 2022.

Chris says the research reinforces the importance of listening to communities and managing our destinations properly.

“Visitor numbers will keep increasing as airline capacity grows, and the tourism industry must remain very mindful of sharing tourism’s benefits and eliminating its burdens.”

“Having seen for themselves the impact of closed borders, Kiwis have become more aware of the local benefits that international tourism brings. But quite rightly, they are also not prepared to bear the brunt of poorly managed tourism.”

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