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Marine ecotourism is supporting tourism in industry to build back better

As summer kicks off and the nation gears up to explore their own backyard, the country’s tourism industry is firmly focused on developing more sustainable ways to host domestic and international visitors.

Two new reports from the Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge investigate the small but flourishing marine ecotourism sector in Aotearoa.

Both reports show the vital role that marine ecotourism can play in supporting the country’s regions and communities to thrive – socially, culturally, environmentally and economically.

“The marine ecotourism sector deals with nature, conservation and marine resources. But, more importantly, it has great potential to link back to community and local economic development,” explains Prof Simon Milne, from Auckland University of Technology and co-leader of the Sustainable Seas Challenge’s Growing marine ecotourism project.

“In interviews, we asked what marine ecotourism means to operators and how they would define their success. What came through strongly was these are people who actively care for the coastal and marine environment and who want to give back to the communities who host their operations,” says Prof. Milne.

The first report includes free resources for planners, regional development, business and iwi/hap≈´. These resources show the location and extent of the marine ecotourism industry and are designed to incorporate new initiatives and data over time. The resources can also support and facilitate networking amongst operators.

A database was developed from online information to provide a range of baseline information about marine and coastal ecotourism across Aotearoa New Zealand.

The database informs an interactive Google map that displays the location of operators and what they offer, such as diving or wildlife viewing. A data dashboard provides an interactive platform that gives users more detail and the ability to easily compare across regions and types of activities.

In the second report (to be published in December), the researchers discuss findings from interviews and a national survey conducted with marine ecotourism operators. The report delves into the motivations behind why Aotearoa’s marine ecotourism operators are in business. The research also examines the impact of COVID-19 on the sector and highlights the challenges and opportunities that face operators as they emerge from international border closures and domestic lockdowns.

Both reports use a broad definition of marine ecotourism: low impact (non-extractive) marine and coastal tourism activities. However, because each operator works differently in their locality, creating a firm definition may not adequately represent the sector.

“MƒÅori understandings of marine and coastal ecotourism make the Aotearoa context unique,” explains Prof. Milne.

“Personally, I am not sure we’ll end up with a firm definition. Instead, we may need to work with a continuum based on measurement frameworks that will allow people to understand where they sit on that spectrum.”

Understanding marine ecotourism is important because it will help Aotearoa move towards having a more sustainable marine economy – known as a ‘blue economy’.

“The marine ecotourism industry has great potential to be at the forefront of more regenerative approaches to tourism development in New Zealand,” says Prof. Milne.

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