Wednesday, March 12, 2025
HomeGeneral Tourism‘RV Club changes policy to minimize hostilities’ - RCAi

‘RV Club changes policy to minimize hostilities’ – RCAi

This week the New Zealand Motor Caravan Association has moved to change its policy of not certifying the facilities in small people mover type campervans.

The policy, which NZMCA implemented after they paid for amendments to the voluntary self containment standard in 2017, prevented their self containment testers from being able to certify the facilities in members own small eco-friendly campers.

Within six months, members back lash had caused NZMCA to back down and recertify any existing members vehicles but not any new conversions.

In his monthly email update ‘Pipeline’, CEO Mr Bruce Lochore stated that: "Over the past 12 months, we have observed an increase in hostility directed towards members staying at NZMCA parks in smaller vans, which has prompted articles in recent Motor Caravanner magazines. Regardless of the temporary stay, the Association accepts it must continue to educate members, communities and councils on the appropriateness and benefits of small van camping.

"Otherwise, many New Zealand families joining the club with smaller vans will continue to feel alienated simply because of their preferred mode of camping. This division does not bode well for the future growth of the club".

NZMCA has a renewed focus to get back to its grassroots as a family-orientated club, rather than the elitist grey-haired nomad club it has been identified as in recent years. The changes apparently are driven by the new president elect Sharon King.

"RCAi are grateful that NZMCA has finally seen the damage they were doing with their anti small campervan campaign," says spokesperson for Responsible Campers Association Inc Bob Osborne.

"RCAi understands that many Ministers and other stakeholders have had their awareness raised as to the damage being done due to the campaign opposing the views of NZMCA, that RCAi has been running for several years.

"This year has seen RCAi raise the awareness of the hostilities being caused by the campaign against small campers and also NZMCA’s declaration that such vans can not meet the requirements of NZS5465 – self containment of RV’s.

"The hostilities reported to RCAi have included not only being towards NZMCA members by members – but in many cases also against the camping public. RCAi was surprised that no reports of blows being exchanged have come to light over summer- such was the concern we had about the raising tensions.

"The NZ Standard itself has been misrepresented to the public and Councils as it is only a ‘club level NZ Standard meant for use at RV club properties with out facilities, as a means of complying with granted exemptions to Camp-Ground regulations and Resource Consents."

The whole situation demonstrates why no single private organization should ever be allowed to represent Freedom Campers, (as is the case with the current Government Responsible Camping working group), and/or implement policy and draft bylaws to Councils without a thorough legal undertaking and dissection.

So as to prevent the misuse of LGNZ and other Government Departments to drive private agendas that damage the social licence of Freedom campers to operate.

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